According to the advisory board, Healthcare organizations suffer an annual loss from denial write offs. This loss can be as little as 1% to as high as 4 to 5% of net patient revenue.
Parathon offers denial recovery services that can ensure additional net revenue and avoid write offs on aged or troublesome denials. With collection rates averaging 65% on accounts over 350 days, our superior technology and services can be delivered on a contingency model to avoid risk while maximizing hospital revenue.
This groundbreaking recovery solution requires no upfront costs and is driven by Parathon’s sophisticated Parallel Database™, Contract Management, and Recovery Services. It is the only solution in the market to allow for provider adjudication of every claim and denial recovery without costly software or implementation fees. Parathon’s Denial Recovery Service provides exhaustive analysis of billions of dollars in lost revenue that existing Denial Management systems or recovery vendors cannot find. This is done through Parathon’s proprietary Parallel Database which identifies, validates, and exposes all related zero balance data. Once the revenue is identified, Parathon then leverages its Denial Recovery Services for subsequent collections all while providing root cause analytics to ensure contractual errors do not happen again.
Parathon, Hospital Revenue. Not Loss